Russ Aker

Russ Aker, Portland, Oregon, USA

Think & Grow Rich
Chapter 4 Autosuggestion (review)
The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind
The Third Step toward Riches
Autosuggestion is the agency of communication between
that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place,
and that which serves as the seat of action for the
subconscious mind.
We talk to ourselves almost every minute of the day. But
we’re seldom aware of what we’re actually feeding
ourselves. Stop, watch and feel your thoughts from time
to time.
Let’s say for example we might have a series of events
that don’t go favorable for us, what do we think to
ourselves or what words might burst form our lips “about
ourselves” in reaction to the unwanted event that
occurred, quite often negative “autosuggestion”. These
outbursts are commonly associated with strong feelings and
emotion. Our subconscious mind uses these negative
thoughts and verbal outbursts very effectively, but not in
our best interest. What if we stopped ourselves for a moment
took control and let them go, replacing them with an immediate
conscious effort of positive, repetitive affirmation and use
the very emotions from that moment and said, “You can’t
have me.”
It was suggested last Monday that…
We were not born to win.
We were not born to loose.
We were born to choose.
If you have to talk down to yourself…don’t let
“unconscious” thought do it “too” you. At least make a
conscious choice too do it to yourself. When satisfied with
the berating you’ve just given, stop, brush yourself off
chuckle and compliment yourself for making a clear choice
in your life and not letting the unconscious whirlpool of the
moment suck you down. This at least puts you in control
and will help turn the corner of, whose-in-charge.
Hill says, “All sense impressions which are perceived
through the five senses, are stopped by the conscious
thinking mind, and may be either passed on to the
subconscious mind, or rejected, at will. The conscious
faculty serves, therefore, as an outer-guard to the
approach to the subconscious.” We KNOW this is true.
But it does require our WILLINGNESS to accept this truth
and some real inner strength to act on this truth and
Throughout this book you are given instruction and simple
steps on turning your “why, your dream, your desire” to its
physical equivalent. It is suggested you use these
exercises and instruction in a repetitive nature to reinforce
faith. Belief will come by implementing a plan. The
implementation of a plan creates results; physical results
create belief, causing faith to grow for bigger successes,
resulting in positive emotion and energy to reinforce and
implement the plan causing additional success and a
stronger belief. I trust faith as an intangible feeling of what
we perceive to be true regardless off the evidence. Belief
comes from evidence created through action.
Hill also suggests we mix positive affirmations and desires
with positive emotion and feeling strengthening the
message passed to the subconscious. We know it works.
The following will explain why.
Since most of us are actually aware (if we’re willing to
see) of all the negative that happens (whether in or out of
our control) and the emotion we express when this
negative stuff occurs and how the negative feelings and
thoughts stick with us creating more negative action in
response to life…then wouldn’t it make sense that the
opposite of this would also be true, that we apply
POSITIVE thought with similar emotion and feeling. The
real difficulty for most of us is positive thought and action
requires effort and real conscious work. Negative thought
and action is easy, takes no effort but sucks our strength
leaving us even more vulnerable to the same.
Hill says, “This is a fact of such importance as to warrant
repetition in practically every Chapter, because the lack of
understanding of this is the main reason the majority of
people who try to apply the principle of auto-suggestion get
no desirable results.
Think & Grow Rich, page 64 of the e-book and page 59 of
the 2008 edition published by Barnes & Noble is one of the
most powerful points Hill expresses, in my opinion. It
would be wise to re-read this page repeatedly until we
really understand what is REQUIRED OF US to attain the
success results we say we want.
FOR THE SKEPTICS: Skepticism, in connection with ALL
new ideas, is typical of all human beings. But if you follow
the instructions outlined, your skepticism will soon be
replaced by faith then belief through results, and this, in
turn, will soon be followed by absolute faith followed by
improved results. Of all the circles to an endless nowhere
we have created for ourselves, this new circle will be quite
different with wonderful adventures along the way…the
attainment of our DESIRES.
Hill says, this chapter on “Autosuggestion” represents the
keystone to the arch of this philosophy. The other
principles are simply tools with which to apply auto-suggestion.
Keep this thought in mind, and you will, at all times, be
conscious of the important part the principle of auto-suggestion
is to play in your efforts to transmute your desire to a physical
reality through the methods described in this book.
Russ Aker
Portland, Oregon

Lesson plan from Russ Aker on chapter 4 for the 30 day mental cleanse.

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