Your Image

Mentor Ben Drake 

Your image is very much a reflection of how you see yourself as a person. When you dress badly or poorly it shows, when you look down at the ground constantly or dress sloppy it does not help. Sometimes yes it is ok to dress badly however it not a good time to dress poorly in a interview for a job. People will think does this guy really care when you dress poorly or look uncomfortable.

What you need to do is dress so that you look comfortable and happy. Relaxed not uncomfortable that means if you are most comfortable in jeans a tee-shirt then ok, it’s about making yourself look presentable. Now it also means that if you are most comfortable in jeans and a tee-shirt is that possible in the corporate world, not really normally it’s the self employed professions that work with such that you can be a bit more casual.

Remember if your shirt is untucked, you have bad breath or are not neat then it reflects badly on you if you are dressed for the corporate world. However the more casual the role, the more relaxed, some roles will say enclosed shoes only which is often even great. It really depends on what work you do and are looking for. It’s comfortable for you as a person not the other person. Some roles you are literally able to wear anything you want, a pair of shorts and tee-shirt or worse good old ugg boots during the winter.

Want to know more? Just ask. You can call or email me.

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Be a mentor with a servants heart

Ben Drake

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Good night my friends

😃🛌😴 ❤😀 Good night my amazing friends. Sleep well, for tomorrow brings new adventures. We love and appreciate You all, thank you for being an amazing friend. I am just curious 3 things that happened to You today and how did that make You feel?

Mentor Ben Drake