Letting fear rule our lives

Mentor Benjamin Mathew Drake 

Throughout our lives we have many times where fears can come up and remain present anxiety6weather it’s to do with our business in network marketing our personal lives or something completely different, we have to learn to stop letting fear rule our lives. Yet often fears are false evidence appearing real, they are really just fears. There happens to be no grounds for what we see as a fear its totally out of proportion.

Feel the FearWe can pick up on the fears of others who are around us, just as our brains picks up on the thoughts of others that we are stopped dead in our trax, when we listen to the Naysaysers as people like to call them. We need to learn who to listen to and who not to listen to or fear will run and rule our lives, it’s a matter of stopping listening to those people and being unconcerned about their opinions of yourself. There is a wonderful video called stop it on you tube which own mentor Michael Dlouhy says to watch regularly.

We have to stop letting those fears take control of our lives and live free to be ourselves nobirds-fighting matter what happens, that when we are truly free to be ourselves then we are no longer living for others. Its time to stop personally living for others to always like who I am, there will always be those who will be unhappy with who I am as a person. It means leaving the people who know will knock what I am doing alone and talking with those who will support such.

There are those out there who will support what I am working to do, right now that is the dream honeymoon. Its getting that paid, there is a bit which has come up to attempt to throw fear towards us saying you have to move. Yet its saying is that the best you have this is what we are going to do and I am determined to do such. You aren’t going to stop such. Stopping letting that fear which is showing up take over and saying this is own life.

confront_and_overcome_your_fears_and_phobias_with_this_expert_adviceThank you to Michael Dlouhy and Ken Klemm for being the ones to guide me and teach me that I really can have the life that I desire. That I am able to create a brand new Ben and live the life of own dreams, thank you to Jenny Harper for being that wonderful amazing wife who stands beside me. Who is such a beautiful woman. Its time to create that foster home and to go on that dream honeymoon.

Wishing you all abundant success, a life full of love, health and happiness and a huge hug

Ben Drake

Mona Vale Sydney NSW Australia

Personal Lesson for chapter 15 of think and grow rich how to outwit the six ghosts of fear

You can do this also and create a brand new you and life that you want through personal development and becoming a beta person.

You Can Do This Also and You Can Create A Brand New You,
Learn to create that life of Your Dreams
Wishing you the best in health and love and big hugs
Jenny and Ben
Mentors with a servants heart
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